7月5日《歌手》节目组宣布下周的袭榜歌手为澳大利亚1知名女歌手蕾恩卡·克莉帕克(Lenka Kripac)据悉,2007年Lenka获得史诗唱片的赏识,签入旗下筹备个人专辑,正是走向个人音乐的发展道路,Lenka曾在深圳、北京、广州和成都等地举办巡演,并登上过2018年中秋晚会,其代表作...
我听之我见:这首《Trouble is a Friend》是Lenka在2009年9月发行的第二首单曲,收录在同名专辑《Lenka》中。这首歌表达出了对“麻烦”的一种乐观态度。麻烦总是出其不意地找上我们,但麻...
“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’
只能说是"命"啦! 24. Take heart- we'll find a way out. 振作起来,我们会有办法的。 25. Tomorrow is another day. 明天又是新的一天。 26. It's not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟。 27. This is not the end of world. 还没到世界末日(先别太绝望)。 28. Kee...
2.-Hugh, wait. Look, I would really love to turn this internship into a job. And it’s fine that my last piece didn’t get picked and the ones that do usually get bumped fo...
更多内容请点击:节目《歌手》宣布袭榜歌手为Lenka 代表作《Trouble is A Friend》